Business Theft

When stealing occurs in a business, it can happen in different forms. And anything of value can be stolen from a business. This can include expensive equipment such as durable goods that you need to continue your operations, inventory you need to continue to generate revenue or even intellectual property.

Theft can be both external, meaning it’s theft from a person outside your organization, or it can be internal, which is when a staff member plays any part in the theft process.

When considering security systems that can help you prevent thievery there are other terms you may come across that should be cleared up for better understanding.

  • Burglary is illegally entering with the intention of committing a crime, usually theft.
  • Robbery is a form of theft that may include the use, or threat of force.

The words petty or grand in front of either imply a threshold, usually related to the value of the goods in question, that raises the level of the crime from misdemeanor to felony.

Intellectual theft can happen when a company’s processes, creations or ideas are copied or otherwise used without their permission.

Theft can damage profits in direct and indirect ways.

Higher rates of theft can increase costs which sometimes are passed on to consumers and end-users of products and services. Repetitive occurrences can lead to the indirect result of damaging the reputation of the business.


Just like theft, sabotage can happen to any business, whether it’s from a disgruntled current or former employee, an upset customer or a competitor.

A plan to protect the sabotage vulnerabilities of your business, prevent occurrences and damage control processes for when it happens will greatly mitigate any impact on your organization. Keep in mind, some of you r competitors may be willing to break the law to gain a competitive advantage over your business success.

This plan may include, at a basic level:

  • Who has access to what including lock-down of restricted access areas, and being able to change access control measures as needed.
  • How confidential documents and other intellectual property are to be securely stored.
  • How to quickly revoke or modify access when employees part ways with the company, regardless of their separation terms.

Creating a basic security plan with your security provider covering implementation for your staff to follow along with periodic reinforcement will greatly reduce the chance of any negative effects of sabotage on your business.

This plan should be kept confidential and not shared with anyone outside your organization or security team.


Arriving at work and seeing graffiti everywhere can really ruin your day.

The intentional destruction of your business property can be motivated by politics, revenge, frustration, misguided mischief, mental health issues or any other opinion, which is why it’s difficult to protect against.

Vandalists don’t always need to know their victim or have any personal connection with their intended targets. Whether or not they know their victim won’t stop them from breaking windows, dumping trash, destroying lighting equipment or leaving graffiti everywhere.

Repairing damage from vandalism can become expensive and is not a regular operating expense you want on your accounting statement.

Simply having good security systems in place, such as video cameras in open view, fencing or barricading, motion-activated lighting and other visible signs of fortification can deter vandalism from happening in the first place.

Integrated security systems that include video surveillance and alarm monitoring can minimize damage and preserve evidence in the event vandalism occurs.

Fire & Life Safety

According to NFPA, Canadian fire departments respond to an average of about 3,340 office fires each year – resulting in about $112 million in direct property damage. Fire damage can result in lost productivity time for weeks or even months. It can also mean having to replace or repair damaged equipment or inventory.

Operating a business also means needing to pass inspections and maint compliance to keep fines or other penalties from being assessed against your business and help you maintain a good reputation with local officials.

The fire and life safety plan designed by your security provider should include detection alarms, extinguishers, sprinklers and other suppression systems. With proper systems in place, your peace of mind remains intact and gives you the confidence to make your business as successful as possible.


Depending on the type of business you operate, fraud can happen in different ways. It may be in the form of a credit card charge, illegitimate lawsuit or sleight-of-hand trickery at the point of sale.

When accusations are made against your business, it’s reassuring to know that evidence of the truth is collected and stored automatically with your security system. Video surveillance and some types of access control systems can verify whether a specific employee, visitor or vendor was within your facility.

With business operations regularly consisting of various visitors, vendors and staff members, keeping your guard up 24/7 is unfeasible. This is why it’s important for your security system to automate a majority of these processes for you.